Artificial Academy Character Creation

ABOUT Artificial Academy 2 Welcome to the future. Feel free to join. Links to download and install the game to the right. Artificial Academy 2 New Character Database Site. For all of you who cannot access the previous site. You can only find cards if they've been properly tagged. What originally sparked my interest in AA2 was the model Jailboticus showed off of his Hanako in the original AA. I love the work and effort that Four Leaf Studios put into Katawa Shoujo and it truly shows within the story they have created. Reading up on the history of KS's creation and the many years it took was inspiring.

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Artificial Academy 2[edit]

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  • About
  • Character Creation
  • Gameplay
    • H Guide
  • Gameplay Tips
  • Modding Guide

External links

Character creation must be done outside the game. As with Artificial Academy 1, the character creator AA2Edit (aka. Maker) is an extra piece of software.

  • 6Basic Stats
  • Q: How do I get a rainbow card?
    A: The generation of a rainbow card is random (1/100 chance). You simply must keep saving a character over and over again until you get the rainbow card to appear. Also if you save over a character who already has a rainbow card, you run the risk of losing it. An easier way is to use modded launchers and game editors to give rainbow treatment.
  • Q: What are the character items for?
    A: These are the items your character will have on them when you put them in the game. When a character has reached a certain level in the relationship (friendship, lovers, or sexual) the other character may come and offer to trade one of their items for yours in that respective category. The items a character has can be viewed at the status screen found by clicking on the statue behind the martial arts room. Other than increasing the relationship status, the trade offer has no further effect. This has been confirmed by in-game info.
Artificial Academy Character Creation
  • Q: How do I make a teacher character?
    A: Any character can become the teacher by transferring into the top center desk. This is can be done only within the game, at bedtime. The teacher won't automatically be given the teacher's clothing, that has to be done in the same seating arrangement menu.
  • Q: I used a custom skirt texture but why is the skirt still using the basic colored texture?
    A: Custom skirt textures aren't shown in the girl's low-poly model. They are only displayed during interactions and H.
  • Q: How do I give a character e.g. a blue skin?
    A: You need to use an unlocked Maker. Manually enter a value up to 359 in the Hue field under Body Color to get different colors (the slider only goes to 40). Note that you need to use the JS-Frontier AA2Play to see the color in the main game.
  • Q: I downloaded a character, but the hair and/or accessories in the game doesn't look like on the card. I checked my Maker and the hair and/or accessory seems to be missing! What's going on?
    A: The character was created using one or more hair/accessory mods. Most hair/accessories are included in the BigPack HEXA compilation. Some outdated cards may still be missing since HEXA has relocated/removed hairs in updates. If HEXA does not include the hair, you may have luck in finding individual mods. It is possible the creator had left notes on character description.
Action Key Key Description
Drag Rotate Mouse 1 Left Mouse Button
Pan Up/Down + Zoom Mouse 2 Right Mouse Button
Pan Left Left Arrow Key
Pan Right Right Arrow Key
Pan 'Foward' Up Arrow Key
Pan 'Back' Down Arrow Key
Zoom In ; Semi-Colon
Zoom Out ] Left Square-Bracket
Rotate Clockwise . Period
Rotate Counter-Clockwise Back-Slash
Reset Rotation / Forward-Slash
Screenshot F11 F11
  • Red Cards are given to pure Heterosexual characters.
  • Orange Cards are given to characters who lean towards Heterosexuality.
  • Purple Cards are given to Bisexual characters.
  • Green Cards are given to characters who lean towards Homosexuality.
  • Blue Cards are pure Homosexual characters.
  • Rainbow Cards have a chance of 1% of being given to a saved character. Such a character will receive bonuses to movement speed, others' opinion on them and faster stat growth.

The point of view angle depends on the character's height. Rainbow characters will also blush.

Custom character cards (for visual effect only) can be given to anyone using the unlocked maker. In this case you can see their true sexual orientation in the class roster as their background in those small images is not affected.

The pose changes at certain times when you have chosen a personality and then click on something else that customizes the girl. Please note this only applies when you begin to adjust stuff on the character; they then enter the 'Adjustment Pose' which is as follows:

  • Lively: Feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart. Arms at sides, fists balled up.
  • Delicate: Hands at sides, relatively normal-looking.
  • Cheerful: Similar to Delicate, but the wrists are bent and the hands are slightly turned out. Feet a bit wider apart and slightly turned inward.
  • Stoic/Quiet: Identical to Delicate.
  • Playful: Similar to Delicate, but feet are a bit wider apart.
  • Energetic/Frisky: Identical to Lively.
  • Kind: Identical to Cheerful.
  • Upbeat/Joyful: Identical to Cheerful.
  • Normal/Ordinary: Identical to Playful.
  • Irritable/Irritated: Arms/Hands bent behind back, feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Uptight/Harsh: Identical to Playful.
  • Friendly/Sweet: Identical to Delicate.
  • Creepy: Identical to Cheerful.
  • Reserved: Identical to Playful.
  • Dignified: Identical to Delicate.
  • Assertive/Aloof: Identical to Irritable/Irritated.
  • Sensitive/Smart: Identical to Delicate.
  • Virtuous/Genuine: Identical to Playful.
  • Mature: Identical to Playful.
  • Lazy: Identical to Playful.
  • Manly: Identical to Irritable/Irritated.
  • Cadet: Identical to Lively.

Males seem to be identical in the adjustment pose regardless of personality; it's most like the Playful type.

A girl's breast size has effects on dialogue when using the Touch interaction.

Small 0~33
Normal 34~66
Big 67+


This is comparable to the academics stat from AA1. This determines base starting Wisdom, an indicator of how smart the character is, and how well they will do on tests and exams. Smarter characters may potentially be more liked by teachers and characters with the 'Class Prez' trait, as well.


This is comparable to the athletics stat from AA1. This determines base starting Strength, an indicator of how strong the character is during sports, club activities, and sport competitions. Combined with fighting style, it also determines how well the character can fight. It also has an impact on movement speed, but not as huge as it did in the first game.


No Restraint style
One Blow style
Irregular style

This sets the difficulty rating for conversations and invites. Characters with low sociability are harder to build friendships with and interact less frequently with others, while high sociability characters can be befriended quickly and interact more regularly with other characters.

For a short initial period, higher sociability characters drift up in popularity as they make more acquaintances with others. But while sociability also affects their interaction quality, the increased frequency improves the chances they will get under other characters' skins, especially due to their tendency to interrupt other interactions. In the long term, normal sociability characters maintain the highest positive favorability, low sociability characters enjoy a comfortable middle, while the highest sociability characters become slightly intolerable in smaller classes unless they have the 'Charming' trait.

Download ed sheeran divide zip. Sociability also determines how Normal/High/Highest virtue characters will react to H. Characters with lower sociability will run away while characters with higher sociability will interrupt the H.

After update v11, lowest sociability characters may sleep following the morning class, making them unable to interact or be interacted with during the entire time period.

Fighting Style

There are three fighting styles to choose from: 'No Restraint', 'One Blow' and 'Irregular'. Each fighting style has their own fighting animations. The fighting styles are more or less effective against each other in a rock-paper-scissors way: No Restraint < One blow < Irregular < No Restraint. If a character uses a fighting style that's effective against his opponent's then he gets a large bonus (about as much as one third of the Strength bar)


The main impact of the virtue is the sex acceptance.

  • Highest virtue requires a relationship, a date and Love (they will also mention the dating part if you attempt to H them before)
  • High virtue requires a relationship and Love
  • Normal virtue requires Love (and relationship V12)
  • Low virtue requires Like
  • Lowest virtue has 40% chances of accepting H even as their first interaction

Virtue also sets the difficulty rating for 'Hug', 'Kiss', 'Touch', 'Ask on a date' and 'Let's be lovers'. Characters with high virtue are more serious about romantic/sexual matters unless they are lovers while low virtue characters are more casual about those things.

It also sets the difficulty rating for NTR and harem as characters with higher virtue are more resistant to romantic/sexual interactions if either character already has a lover and will never show affection if one of you is in a relationship already. Characters with High virtue and max Love have <20% chance of accepting a relationship if either of them has a lover and characters with Highest virtue will always refuse.

Virtue also determines how will they react to the H of other people. Low/Lowest virtue will peek and start masturbating while Normal/High/Highest will either interrupt the H or will run away, depending on sociability.

Finally, virtue determines how willing are the characters to have public H, as well as whether they will continue or stop if seen (see this table for details)

Artificial Academy Character Creation


Orientation defines whether or not a character will have sex and date guys, girls or both. Sexual preferences are ignored when using the 'force' options. Characters' horniness will be less affected by physical contact with characters further from their orientation. If you're incompatible with their sexual orientation they will sometimes state that they're not interested in your gender. Unlike in AA1, there are now five sexual orientations to choose from:

Hetero The character only shows sexual interest in the other gender. Sexual advances from same-sex classmates will always be rejected and they cannot gain Love points with them. Opposite-sex classmates cannot gain Like points with them.

Leaning Hetero The character shows more sexual interest in the other gender. Sexual advances from same-sex classmates and gaining Love points with them will be twice as hard. Opposite-sex classmates will gain Like points with them at half the rate.

Character Creator Games

Bisexual The character doesn't care about anyone's gender. Both gender gain like,love point normal.

Leaning Homo The character shows more sexual interest in the same gender. Sexual advances from opposite-sex classmates and gaining Love points with them will be twice as hard. Same-sex classmates will gain Like points with them at half the rate.

Character Creation Dnd

Homo The character only shows sexual interest in the same gender. Sexual advances from opposite-sex classmates will always be rejected and they cannot gain Love points with them. Same-sex classmates cannot gain Like points with them.

'NOTE' Hetero,Homo character cannot gain like point but it still generate dislike from fail friendly interaction. If you stuck with status 'Don't known' (よくわからない) it mean you not gain enough like,love,dislike,hate to decide what relationship will be.


Sexual Experience

There are now two virginities, one for vaginal and one for anal intercourse. Vaginal virgins will have a visual blood-effect during their first time and they will be hesitant to accept H for their first time. Higher virtue virgins will end the H scene when you try a position for the first time. Unlike in AA1, a vaginal virgin can now climax on their first time.

Artificial Academy Character Creation Theory


Character Creation Sheet

The text typed here can be seen in-game at the Jizou Statue behind the dojo when you view a character's specific statistics. It can either be an actual biography for the character, or you can simply write the character's traits and preferences if you wish.

Using the maker, each created character gets assigned 3 trading-items(one for lovers, one for friends and one for sexual relationships). These items can not be traded directly. However, at some point, any NPC may ask you to trade. Depending on your relationship, they may trade their friend item or their lover's item with you. All item have no use besides trading (as confirmed ingame). If a character transfers out of the class the traded items stay with the person still in class. Likewise the items the transferee has vanish from the classroom. By transferring students after trading you can technically have multiples of the same items in the classroom.

Artificial Academy Character Maker

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